Why Discipline Equals Freedom

What I feel and think about this video

The very reason I've been watching these kind of videos is why I named this blog: me lacking the discipline towards life and everything.
Here are some tips and thoughts that I generated after watching this video. I could've just move on to the next thing of my day after watching it. Instead, professor's word came up in my mind: we need to give some thinking to whatever paper we read (video we watched) to form new knowledge. Google says:
Knowledge internalization is the process of embodying explicit knowledge into tacit knowledge. 

Here are the three tips I obtained from the video. 

Tip 1: Start with two cornerstone actions: wake up early and do things what's important to you in long term

Wake up before everyone else gives you the time to do things that are important to you without everyone else bothering you. For example, do an hour of exercise no matter what kind. It may not be the top priority of your day, but it's the top priority of your life. You don't maintain a healthy body, you die. Plus, exercising pumps oxygen in your brain and helps you think more clearly.
Waking up early is hard, but you still wake up early in the morning even you only have 5 hours of sleep that day. The night you'll be able to go to bed early. Having the discipline of that feels like eating a steak.

Tip 2: Do important things an hour for a day.

Over time, you'll accomplish something seems impossible when the journey started. A healthy body doesn't come from a few hours of exercise a day, but an hour of exercise EVERY DAY. Writing 1,000 word a day, in a week you'll get 7,000 word. 1 month you get 28,000 words, and you get a book in 3 months.

Tip 3: Structure your time well, but leave some flexibility

For 8 hours of work time, plan your 4 hours, follow and execute your plan. Never go to bed without a plan for what you're going to do tomorrow. The rest 4 hours you fill up with important things that you didn't or couldn't plan ahead.

These tips looked simple enough but execute all of them is harder than it looks. The incentive to be a better self will drive me forward and get them done. Remember, when you see people enjoying their lives on social media, it all starts with the discipline. You want financial freedom? Then you have to have financial discipline. Want to have freedom in time? Then we need to be disciplined in time management.
